There are a number of separate databases available for members to search online, as detailed below. For each one, specific instructions and guidance are given as to how you can easily search that database. Please note that by logging into the Members Room, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. The Metcalfe Society will take action against any persons who are found to have used information gathered from the Members Room in contravention to these terms and conditions.
When you joined The Society and received your membership number, you also received a Members Room login userid and password.
Access the Members Room Here
We all lose of forget passwords on a reasonably regular basis! Please request a reminder via email to the Membership Secretary (see Contacts) and you will receive notification as soon as possible. So sorry it is not automatic!
The Computer Index was begun as a card index in 1980 by our first President, Helen Offer, and eventually held over 20,000 cards. This became too unwieldy and difficult to transport so the decision was taken in 1989 to ‘computerise’. This enabled The Society to build the index to over 80,000 individuals taking information from family trees, parish registers, census returns etc. Individual records are made of data from many sources, each source being indexed as a ‘list’. Hence the society is able to cross reference all data to their sources in the ‘List of Lists’. This index holds over 103,000 records.
The Metcalfe Births Database is made up of transcripts of the Official UK Birth Index from 1836-2000, as well as sources overseas and miscellaneous entries outside these dates. We extend our thanks to all those members who have contributed to this database over the years, as well as extending an invitation to current members to add to this project any births/baptisms that are not currently listed. This database now holds over 65,000 records. To safeguard the privacy of persons who may still be living no details will be returned for births/baptisms dating within the last 100 years.
Similarly to the Births Database, this Marriages database is made up of transcripts of the Official UK Birth Index from 1837-2000 and other sources, and holds over 47,000 records. We also operate the same safeguard regarding no information for those marriages in the last 100 years.
Similarly, this Deaths database is made up of transcripts of the Official UK Deaths Index from 1837-2000 and other sources, and holds over 46,000.
The Metcalfe Wills Project was started after a kind donation of £1,000 from M0700 Peter J.Scott of Australia, in memory of his mother, to purchase copies of Metcalfe wills. Since then various members of The Society have not only transcribed these wills, but provided copies and transcripts of their own. Currently there are over 950 wills where a Metcalfe is either mentioned or it is their will.
The Hearth Tax, with other taxes, was introduced soon after the Restoration with the object, which they never achieved, of providing an adequate income for Charles II, and was repealed when William and Mary came to the throne in 1689. Occupiers were taxed at the rate of two shillings per hearth, paid equally at Lady Day and Michaelmas. Lists survive generally only from Michaelmas 1662 to Lady Day 1666 and from Michaelmas 1669 to Lady Day 1674 and then not always completely.
You may be looking for a particular Metcalfe in a particular parish ..... and so need to do some research? STOP! Before you get started.... someone may have already done the research and sent it to The Society, and therefore completed the work for you!!! Search the List of Lists to find out if that data has already been researched.
There are a host of ‘bits and pieces’ submitted by both Society members and non-members, or found whilst trawling the Internet covering subjects such as at sea, miners, land owners, newspaper clippings, Metcalfes at War, Politicians, Metcalfes in Sport etc.
We invite all our members to find a little time and submit any data they may have that can be checked and used to update any of these superb research databases. You never know who you will be helping. Someone else may therefore be helping you! Send all submissions to the Archivist (see Contacts).