The Metcalfe Society values all our members and are grateful for their contributions, large and small, through their membership. After all, without our members there would be no Society. Members have enabled us to accomplish so much over the last 40 years
Life is just so busy these days. So it is easy to overlook renewing membership of any organisation. A few questions that may be raised ...
If you are unsure of any, or all of these, please contact the Membership Secretary (see Contacts). To avoid these questions each year, members can renew for a number of years and avoid any membership cost rises or reminders. UK members can also set up a Standing Order, which can be downloaded or requested from the Membership Secretary (see Contacts).
Membership runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. A reminder to renew membership is despatched with the e-newsletter in December requesting members to renew in early January by one of the methods below. In March, a further reminder is sent to those members who have not renewed. If The Society doesn't hear from a member by the end of April, the membership is deemed to have expired.
Members can pay for their membership renewal in a variety of ways :
Don't forget to choose Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Download the Membership Renewal Form, the Standing Order Form & Gift Aid Form or request them from the Membership Secretary (see Contacts). Return the completed application form and payment to the Membership Secretary or the local agent in Australia or Canada (see Contacts). and send the Standing Order form to your bank to set up a regular payment
For many reasons, a membership may lapse. We are always delighted to welcome members back to The Society, no matter how many years may have lapsed. Please contact the Membership Secretary (see Contacts) who will arrange with you to reinstate your original membership number and update your contact details or issue you with a new number.
The cost of rejoining The Society after membership has lapsed for more than one year is the same as the normal annual subscription, but if rejoining after five or more years, we do ask that you pay the research fee again, so we can check for any additional information that has come in since you were last a member.
We hope you will renew your membership this coming year.